
Hi, I'm Shreyas Nisal

I'm a Game Programmer

Personal Projects

C++ Game Engine

C++ Game Engine

My custom C++ game engine with a DirectX11 rendering pipeline and VR support using OpenXR. The engine has math and physics utilities, a UI System and other engine systems required for 2D and 3D games. I've developed several games using this engine.

C++ | DirectX11 | OpenXR



A first-person virtual reality platformer with an in-game level editor. The editor allows creation of custom maps by creating, translating, cloning, rotating and scaling entities with a custom binary file format for saving and loading maps. The editor also connects to perforce to automatically check out maps being edited.

Custom C++ Game Engine

JS Game Engine

JavaScript Game Engine

My custom JavaScript game engine for developing web games. The engine uses a WebGL rendering pipeline and supports VR using WebXR. This is architected almost identical to my C++ game engine with differences to account for language differences between C++ and JavaScript.

JavaScript | WebGL



Vaporum is a networked turn-based strategy game using a Network System implemented in my custom C++ game engine with WinSock. It features a hex grid with 3D tank models along with movement animations and particle effects for attack and damage.

Custom C++ Game Engine



A Tower Defense game featuring six levels, nine enemy types and five tower types, with 3D model loading from OBJ files, data-driven content from XML, billboarded particle effects and a custom UI system.

Custom C++ Game Engine



A minecraft-style game containing an infinite deterministic world based on chunks, with the ability to place/dig blocks, save chunks to files, biome factors including rivers, oceans, deserts, ice and trees, all based on Perlin noise.

Custom C++ Game Engine



A first person shooter with 3D models loaded from OBJ files, directional lighting and shadow maps.

Custom C++ Game Engine

Team Projects

Imvi: Echoes of Harmony

Imvi: Echoes of Harmony

Soar among the stars in Imvi: Echoes of Harmony, a third-person open-world experience that invites you to slow down. Harness the attractive & repulsive forces of Black & White Singularities to traverse and explore an ancient, wonder-filled world as you collect and revel in the memories of those who came before.

Unreal Engine 5



Race through an enchanting carnival and be on the lookout for wacky obstacles and cool shortcuts as you compete against up to three other friends in this cute and cartoony arcade racing game!

Unreal Engine 5



DonuTilt takes you to the magical world of donuts, ravaged by a jelly explosion. Help our Donut Hero navigate through the world by tilting the donut box or rotating it completely to change gravity in the donut world. Using a variety of sweet treats such as gumdrops, cookies, Pocky, and more, the Donut Hero must navigate the donut box to reach their Donut Friends!


Hi, I'm Shreyas

I’m a game programmer with experience in developing custom game engines in C++ using DirectX11 and in JavaScript using WebGL. I’ve also shipped two games to Steam with Unreal Engine 5. My interest lies in exploring technology for creative applications with a special focus on play experiences and interaction between humans and technology. I’m intrigued by the use of emerging technologies in games and have developed a Virtual Reality level editor in my custom game engine.

I’m passionate about content creation, and have created YouTube videos on programming content and my projects and experiences which have over 200k views. I’ve also written research papers on bodily games using Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) using Electroencephalography (EEG).